Anomaly Scan

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Anomaly Scan

This is a detailed scan at 19-24 weeks of pregnancy.

During the scan we examine each part of the fetal body, measure fetal growth, determine the position of the placenta and assess the amount of amniotic fluid. Special attention is paid to the brain, face, spine, heart, stomach, bowel, kidneys and limbs.

If any abnormalities are detected the significance of the findings will be discussed with the sonographer and you will be refered to your local Hospital fetal medicine team.
All Obstetrics scans are performed by a highly experienced sonographer who worked at Unversity College London Hospital and Kings college Hospital Fetal Medicine Unit.
Scan Fee: £120 including Uterine artery doppler free of charge

 Anomaly Scan

£120 (Today's Deal £99) 

  • Išsamus anomalijos patikrinimas
  • Į gerovės vertinimą įeina kūdikio ir placentos padėtis.
  • Į augimo ataskaitą įtrauktas numatomas kūdikio svoris nėštumo metu.
  • Amniono skysčio patikrinimas.
  • Gimdos arterijos Doplerio matavimas.
  • Jei prašoma, patvirtinama papildoma lytis
  • 2D nespalvoti vaizdai.
  • 2x raktų pakabukai arba 1x raktų pakabukas ir 1x šaldytuvo magnetas.
  • 4D peržiūra.
  • 30 min susitikimas.
£120 (Today's Deal £99) Book Online Now
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